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Corona Virus (COVID-19)
COVID-19 is presenting challenges at a rapid rate not just to the Australian community but to the global community.
We have reluctantly adopted a policy of not attending face to face meetings of any kind until the current level of risk is decreased to an acceptable level.
We are also asking our clients to make phone our office to make an appointment before attending.
All other parties needing to collect items from or deliver items to our office should phone our office to arrange a suitable time.
Follow this link to the Strata Asset Services WA COVID-19 guidance document.
Strata meetings will still need to be held and the democratic processes of those meetings preserved as far as possible. To achieve this we will be following the methodology below.
General Meetings
Notice and Agenda sent as usual
Owners appoint the chairperson as their proxy to attend the meeting and vote
The meeting is attended solely by an employee of Strata Asset Services WA who is also appointed the chairperson
Voting directions to their proxy from the owners can be provided either by
completing the voting section on the proxy, or
participating in the meeting by tele-conference or by video-conference. Votes provided by owners will be taken as an instruction for the proxy to vote in accordance with the owners wishes.
Strata Council Meetings
Notice and Agenda sent as usual
The meeting is attended by the strata council and an employee of Strata Asset Services WA
Voting is carried out in the usual manner
Meetings held as described above are not the preferred way to hold meetings but should meet all the legal requirements for those meetings.
Casual Meetings
These will be conducted by phone or by tele-conference depending on the number of attendees and circumstances.
Meeting Costs
Depending on how the meeting is held there may be charge to the strata company. Tele-conference sessions will be billed at cost. Video-conference sessions will incur a fee which is still to be determined (the running costs and infrastructure costs are not yet fully known).